Physical Warning Signs of Illness

When illness is unlikely, the body sends out more warning signals. If these cautions are disregarded, severe health consequences may ensue.

Not all of them should be treated as serious problems. It’s best to err on the side of caution, however.

This piece serves just as background reading. If you need more medical guidance, you should consult a doctor.

1) Hair thinning and flaking as a physical warning

A vitamin or nutrient shortage may cause dandruff and hair loss. Zinc, iron, and the B vitamins (B2, B3, B6, and B7) are the most often deficient nutrients.

2. hands with wrinkles


Age-related wrinkles are quite natural. However, signs of dehydration, thyroid issues, or poor blood circulation include more wrinkled hands and fingers.

3.  bodily signals such as white spots on the tongue

4. Rashes on the skin

5.  Body warnings include swollen ankles,

Your salt intake is too high if your ankles are swollen. They may also indicate poor blood flow or an underactive thyroid.
6.  your eyes are dry

7.  Signs Your Body Is Bloating

8.  Bruises

9. The body warns of persistent hunger

10.  Twitching muscles

11.  The Snoring Body Warns

Do you recognise the signs your body sends you? How frequently do you make an appointment to see your doctor? In the comments, please elaborate.

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