Two Teenagers Mock Poor Old Lady on the Bus until Voice of Homeless Man Interrupts Them — Story of the Day

Two drunk teenagers start harassing an old lady on a bus until a homeless man steps in and stops them — and it transforms his life. Molly walked up the steps into the bus with great difficulty and was grateful when she felt a strong hand under her elbow, helping her up. She turned her head to smile her thanks and cringed.The hand cupping her elbow belonged to a tall thin scarecrow of a man, clearly homeless, and none too clean. Molly jerked her arm away from the man and said stiffly, “Thank you.” The man smiled sadly. He was used to disgust in people’s faces, the rejection. But Tom was still himself, no matter what. He watched as Molly sat down, her bulk filling two seats.There was something about her that reminded him of his mother.

His mother would also have been disgusted to see him in this state. Tom walked to the back of the bus where he could sit on his own. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He couldn’t stop thinking about his little Daisy, and how she had clung to him. Two years ago, his wife Valery had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and her death had left their lives in shambles. For 18 months, Tom had poured their savings into treatments for Valery, even borrowed money against their house, but it was all in vain. Valery died, and Tom had to sell their house to pay off the debts. His boss lost patience with his constant absences as Valery’s carer and fired him. From one day to the next, Tom had lost his home, his job, and with Valery dead, all he had left was his daughter Daisy. After the house was sold, Tom had been forced to move with Daisy to a one-bedroom apartment in a decayed inner-city apartment building with graffiti on the walls, and the stench of human refuse in the hallways. Don’t judge people by their appearance.

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