Can You Get This Simple Insight Test Right?

Have you ever felt like your eyes were playing tricks on you? That feeling when you’re looking at something and just can’t quite figure it out? Well, you’re not alone.
Take a look at the picture below. If someone were to show it to you and ask you what you see, you might be surprised to find out that eight out of 10 people get it wrong. When this picture was shared on social media, many people couldn’t pass this simple insight test.
They weren’t sure what they were seeing, and it turns out, they were seeing something that didn’t even exist.
Most people thought they were looking at Legos, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The picture was actually captured in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China by a helicopter pilot.
In reality, what you’re looking at are a whole lot of buses that are no longer in service. They’re all stored in a single location, creating quite a sight.
Only a few people were able to guess it accurately when the picture went viral online.So, how did you do? Take a moment to reflect on this simple insight test and marvel at the tricks our eyes can play on us.

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