The Reason Behind Not Boiling Mashed Potatoes in Water

Mashed potatoes are a staple in our home, enjoyed fervently by both the kids and adults alike,

Despite our love for this classic dish, a discovery on TikTok inspired me to experiment with an unconventional twist: using chicken stock.

A TikToker named Jourdyn (@jeauxp) recommended an intriguing method: boiling potatoes with their skins on in a mix of chicken stock and water. “This departure from the traditional recipe piqued my curiosity,” leading me to try replicating her technique.

Adopting Jourdyn’s method, I boiled the potatoes as suggested and mashed them with butter, reserved broth, and black pepper. The result was “astonishing—the broth infused the potatoes with a subtle umami flavor, complemented by the rustic texture provided by the skins.”

Encouraged by this initial success, I added sour cream and chives in subsequent batches, which enhanced both the flavor and visual appeal of the dish. This venture into TikTok’s culinary hacks proved transformative, broadening my culinary skills and inspiring further experimentation.

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