Singer electrocuted to death at concert after he got wet from hugging fan. The video is hard to watch

A SINGER has died in a freak accident on stage after he was electrocuted during a live show. Brazilian rocker Ayres Sasaki, 35, died when a fan in soaking-wet clothes hugged him during the concert, leading to the artist suffering an electric shock caused by a cable.

The singer died almost instantly on stage when the wet fan came up and hugged him. Seconds later, the musician suffered an electric shock and was killed on the spot in Salinopolis, Brazil. It remains unclear how the soaked fan got wet.

Police are probing the death but have not released further details. The singer’s family have refrained from commenting in detail amid the investigation. Aunt Rita Matos told local media: “What we know is that his show was scheduled for a specific time and was moved up, but we are contacting people who were with him at the moment to understand how everything happened.

“We will gather all the information in a statement that we will release to the press.” The Solar Hotel, where the concert was being held, expressed sorrow over the singer’s death. A statement said: “We are fully dedicated to providing support to his family and taking the necessary measures. “We reaffirm our commitment to fully cooperating with the competent authorities for the proper clarification of the events.” Off the stage, Sasaki was an architect and urban planner. He is survived by wife Mariana, who he had been married to for just 11 months.

Friends and colleagues of the artist described him as a very talented performer with an enormous passion for music.Pal and singer Adriano Freitas told local media: “We were friends in daily life, beyond music.“(He was) a super charismatic guy, his talent was incredible. He was the best singer and guitarist in Belem.

“A great friend, very family-oriented, attentive to his friendships, and to those who appreciated his work.”He is being remembered as the “king of encores” – having once played for 12 hours straight, Adriano said.

Comedian and friend Natto Almeida said: “What will definitely stand out about Sasaki is his good heart, very polite.

“I think this will be the lasting mark he leaves behind.”

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