A blonde went to the electronic store and she asked

A blonde went to the eletronic store and she asked, “How is much is this TV?” The salesman said, “Sorry,we don”t sell to blondes.The next day she…

He is allowed use the ladies’ room – but ends up in hospital

ou should never ignore words of advice from people who are qualified to give it – otherwise things can turn out like in this story. A man…

Joke Of The Day: A German Shepherd, Doberman And A Cat Go To Heaven

A German Shepherd, Doberman and a Cat die and go to Heaven. All three are greeted at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter, who informs them they…

The little boy had a cunning plan to get his Christmas present

A little boy wanted a bicycle for Christmas. His mother said she didn’t have enough money to buy him a new bike but suggested that if he…

Old Ed Has A Secret To Share

Nearing the end, old Ed is surrounded by his loved ones. As the final moment approaches, he gathers all his strength and whispers, “I must tell you…

Woman Got Tired Of Coworkers Stealing

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in November 2023. In a jaw-dropping workplace saga, a mother, identified as Savannah, has left the…

Little Johnny Got Bullied By Big Boys (Funny Story)

Jenny was explaining to her husband…

Jenny was explaining to her husband how much fun they’d had at the beach during her bridge club annual outing. “But,” she told him, “it didn’t end…

Lawyer asks old lady if she knows who he is

In a court trial in a small town in Nebraska… … the prosecutor called his first witness, an elderly grandma, to the stand. He walked up to…

Young Minnesotan shocks his boss at his new job in Florida

A young man from Minnesota moves to Florida and goes to a big “everything under one roof” department store looking for a job. The manager asks, “Do…