The Secret Meaning of the “M” on Your Palm

Did you know that the lines on our palms can reveal so much about who we are? According to palmistry, the study of palm reading, the lines…


An Australian Army Recruit sends home a letter

Dear Mum & Dad, I am well. Hope you’re too. Tell me big brothers Doug and Phil that the Army is better than workin’ on the farm…

Clean (old school) Joke: A guy goes into a bar, and starts to “dial numbers on his hand”, and talk into it

A guy walks into a bar and sits down. He starts dialing numbers on his hand, like a telephone, and talking into his hand. The bartender walks…

Research shows that kids need their grandparents more than we ever thought… Here’s why…

One of the best ways to relax is to spend time with your grandparents. You don’t need a degree in psychology or human behavior to agree with…


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Two old men are sat on a bench at the park. A young, smoking hot girl runs past in a sports bra and a tiny pair of…


sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her.” The son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like heck…

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