Three Brothers Get Married – Things Don’t Go To Plan

Three brothers each marry a woman. The first one married a woman from Minneapolis, and said to her: “When I get back from work, I want the…

An Old Lady Went To The Grocery Store

A little old lady went to the grocery store and put the most expensive cat food in her basket. She then went to the check out counter…

The butler was trembling as she told him to take off her blouse

There was a butler named James who worked for an old decrepit Billionaire that had a smoking hot 25 year old wife. James was infatuated with her…

Joke: The parrot was fully grown with a very bad attitude and worse vocabulary

Alice received a parrot as a gift. The parrot was fully grown with a very bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was profanity; those that…

The Diaries Of A Married Couple

Tonight, I thought Tom was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day…

Guy gets even with his wife in a crazy way

One evening last week, my wife and I got into bed. We were fooling around, the passion started to heat up, when she suddenly says: “I don’t…

The widow fainted when she read his email

A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they had…

A young man with his pants hanging half off his rear walked into the local welfare office to pick up his check

“A young man with his pants hanging half off his rear, two gold front teeth, and a half-inch thick gold chain around his neck, walked into the…

I highly doubt that the post will be read carefully or shared, but I will still make it.

I highly doubt that the post will be read carefully or shared, but I will still make it. Of course, if the post were filled with cats…

Saleswoman Humiliates Customer for Her Size, Meets Her at Boyfriend’s Home for Christmas

I’ve got a holiday tale that’s stranger than fiction. It all started with a mockery and unfolded into a Christmas dinner none of us will ever forget….