A elderly couple was driving

An elderly couple was driving across the country. While the woman was behind the wheel, the couple was pulled over by the highway patrol. “Ma’am, did you…

An American couple is driving

To which the attendant answers, “Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.” The man goes back to his car and the wife asks, “Where are we?” “He doesn’t speak English” replies the…

I’m starting to doubt my marriage

but I share a bed with a 69-year-old woman. I’m starting to doubt my marriage. His wife suggested: -You can find yourself a 19-year-old girl, and I…

Three 3 blondes walk into a police station

“No, this is a profile mug shot, so you will only see one eye.” He shows the picture to the second blonde and she says “He’s only…

I accidentally overturned my golf

“That’s mighty nice of you,” I answered, “but I don’t think my wife would like it.” “Oh, come on now”, she insisted. She was so pretty and…

My Teacher Wants to See You

“Well when you do, come and see the gym teacher also.” “Why?” asks the father. “Well we had a gym class today, and he asked me to…

Including The Curtain Rods

On the 2nd day she had to movers come and collect her things. On the 3rd day she sat down for the last time at their beautiful…

A man gets a job

So the manager read the receipt it came to almost $180,000. He started to read the list of things ,fishing rods. Tackle bait. A boat, a trailer,…

A blonde decides to try horseback riding

but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly impervious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she…

An elderly couple decides to live

So the old man starts eating his half-burger and his half-order of fries– but his wife is sitting there, not eating her share of the food. One…