Teacher tries to ask..

He filed a report that his Wife…

Why Getting Married In heaven….

These two Nun Shocked…

Wife Calls The Bar To Check If Her Husband…

He was shocked when his Wife..

This drunk..

He Told The Jeweller He Wanted Ring

An older, white-haired man walked into a jewellery store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweller he wanted a…

Fred Came Home From University Thinking He Was Adopted

Fred came home from University in tears. “Mum, am I adopted?” “No of course not”, replied his mother. Why would you think such a thing? Fred showed…

One Day Emma Came Home And Asked Her Mother

One day, Emma came home and asked her mother, Sarah, to speak in private. They sat down in the kitchen, and Emma took a deep breath before…